Friday, September 9, 2011

Choice rally draws charter parents, students to fight for options  |

Insanity! Charter schools can't be funded in Georgia with tax dollars. Tax payers dollars get appropriated the way the local government sees fit?? We - the taxpayers - are losing our grip on all our constitutional rights. If we just stand by, whose to blame? If you don't support educational reform in your area, your opinion is useless. Note: Even the kids are taking action...follow their lead!!

What's happening in your area? Go to and let your voice be heard today! Let's fight back!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

 First day of school!!! - well, actually it's now the second day. (Ouch!)

What a wonderful time for students as they're rip-roaring to get back to...what? Rip-roaring to get back simply for the sake of getting back together, or for the sake of learning.

 Back in my day - many, many, moons (and suns) ago - I think it was a combination of both. Though it may diminish with some as the months go on, I think there's a general consensus that students do, if only momentarily, anticipate learning. In today's broken - author's emphasis - educational system, it is the job of the stakeholders to determine how we keep that momentary light from going out.

Welcome back Brown Middle School!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Word From The Director

Ezra Project, Inc. has just finished an exciting pilot year!! Though off to a slow start - due to bureaucracy, we started working with the students in Janurary - due to community response, we have experienced invaluable insight regarding our direction moving forward.

Ezra Project was established realizing that youth have "individualized" needs that require "individualized"  attention. Our objective has always been measurable impact. Being mindful of that objective, we have come to an early crossroad: do we continue on our current course of safe sustainability, with lower impact, or do we take the approach that leads to higher, more resourceful, impact by teaming a  strategic curriculum  with an innovative approach to being a impactful educator: Charter School.

Charter school frees an administration of the many antiquated regulations and statutes that restrict schools of addressing the effectiveness of meeting students at the point of their "individualized" needs, creating a value for education that is critical to learning.

As our school prepares for the transition from low-impact mentoring, to high-impact educating, we seek the acceptance and support of the city.
We'd love to hear from you. If you have any cares, concerns, or comments regarding the impact you feel a charter school can positively or negatively make, we are open to hear from you.

   We are a community-based organization who wants to hear from the community it serves. Check our our new website:

Monday, June 27, 2011

We're back! Thought we'd give you another perspective - video. Take a peek into the theatrics of nature vs 7th graders - well, 8th graders now. 

Whether swimming, fishing, or taking out trash, we think you'll - as did we - enjoy the life and times of our Lake Lanier week end. Don't miss it!!

Reality: 101 Lake Lanier Camping Trip

Our end of the year camping trip was nothing short of adventure-filled. One hour after arriving we were hit with almost tornado-like winds (see pic) that almost eradicated our camp site; aside from that the outing was  fast, fun, and furious!
We'd like to share a few pics and videos for your enjoyment! Check in for our upcoming event.
After the storm!

 Renovation needed!
 True fisherwoman
 Soul Food
BIG time catch!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Atlanta Greek Picnic 2011

Yeah, it was that time again! Atlanta hosted the 2011 Greek Picnic fraternity event turning Atlanta into a four day extravaganza! From Sweet Georgia Juke Joint to the Atlanta library, Cascade Skating Rink to the Step Show at Morehouse College Forbes Arena, community service to church, to Loca Luna's.
The Greeks utilized the great city of Atlanta, and now they're gone!

Joint Sponsor Tiwaworks of Atlanta, recognized Ezra Project, Inc and partner Morehouse Education Association as community organizations that are making a difference in the community.

We thank you Tiwa, and wish you continued success in your upcoming Nigerian event.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Education; The plight of a nation

To make a difference in the plight of education is Ezra Project's purpose for existent. We recognize that the current system has issues that run deeper than the current provisions being offered as "educating" our youth. 

Interestingly, the U.S. currently ranks 15th among 27 recognized industrialized countries in college graduates, and we fall outside of the top 20 countries in mathematics, science, and reasoning. We are looking to make change. If that's not enough, African-American males are in an even worse predicament as 53% of African-American males do not graduate from high school and 86% do not graduate from higher education at all.

The solution to these provocative statistics need intensive, deliberate attention; of the kind that not just educates a student, but reforms a generation.
To reinforce the theoretic position of Ezra Project, Inc., we interviewed  three middle school teachers, soliciting their personal perspective to the question: How can we help?
Check out the three links: Video 1, Video 2, Video 3

 Your comments are helpful and welcome.  Won't you partner with us?