Thursday, February 10, 2011

PTA: Student Advocacy Day was a hit

Students in session
The PTA - Parent Teachers Association - sponsored Student Advocacy Day was a smashing success, with the students and teachers alike.

Students from many school's throughout the Metro Atlanta School system were on hand.

Beginning at the Floyd Room, the students learned about educational issues that are currently on the legislative floor for approval or otherwise; issues that may impact them directly.

Next - see picture - they were rustled over to the Capitol building for a bird's-eye view at lawmakers in action. The purpose being to provoke student's interest in the politics that make a difference in their lives...and the lives of those to come.

Lastly, a luncheon at the Georgia Freight Depot was scheduled for a opportunity for individuals to meet and network with their legislators; as well as a means to arrange meeting to present concerns or requests.

Personally being asked very interesting questions by some students, I had a genuine opportunity to be able to see the benefit of the event.

The PTA has, again, revealed its purpose for being. We thank you Georgia PTA for your work and concern.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Atlanta Public Schools: Produces quality results

As a testament to the level of production the Atlanta Public School system (APS) produces Jasmine Guy, a APS proud graduate of North Atlanta High, came to give back to her alma mater, speaking to the Center for the Arts  students about her experiences throughout the yrs., as a student, actor and theater performer.

This is strong indication not only of the level of alumnus that the APS system has produced over the span of many years, but right until today.

When attending Atlanta High, Ms. Guy spoke of her stage fright when called upon by one of the theater directors to audition for a part in West Side Story school production. The highlight being when one of the students asked her what she did when she was faced for an audition against someone she perceived as better than her. Ms Guy stated she would "go to the bathroom."

Atlanta school system's current direction with its High School Transformation initiative, is making great inroads into producing not only quality education, but attracting and cultivating quality teachers. 

We applaud you Atlanta Public Schools for your attention and tenacity in your desire to produce quality education...making a better society.