Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Word From The Director

Ezra Project, Inc. has just finished an exciting pilot year!! Though off to a slow start - due to bureaucracy, we started working with the students in Janurary - due to community response, we have experienced invaluable insight regarding our direction moving forward.

Ezra Project was established realizing that youth have "individualized" needs that require "individualized"  attention. Our objective has always been measurable impact. Being mindful of that objective, we have come to an early crossroad: do we continue on our current course of safe sustainability, with lower impact, or do we take the approach that leads to higher, more resourceful, impact by teaming a  strategic curriculum  with an innovative approach to being a impactful educator: Charter School.

Charter school frees an administration of the many antiquated regulations and statutes that restrict schools of addressing the effectiveness of meeting students at the point of their "individualized" needs, creating a value for education that is critical to learning.

As our school prepares for the transition from low-impact mentoring, to high-impact educating, we seek the acceptance and support of the city.
We'd love to hear from you. If you have any cares, concerns, or comments regarding the impact you feel a charter school can positively or negatively make, we are open to hear from you.

   We are a community-based organization who wants to hear from the community it serves. Check our our new website: