Thursday, June 2, 2011

Education; The plight of a nation

To make a difference in the plight of education is Ezra Project's purpose for existent. We recognize that the current system has issues that run deeper than the current provisions being offered as "educating" our youth. 

Interestingly, the U.S. currently ranks 15th among 27 recognized industrialized countries in college graduates, and we fall outside of the top 20 countries in mathematics, science, and reasoning. We are looking to make change. If that's not enough, African-American males are in an even worse predicament as 53% of African-American males do not graduate from high school and 86% do not graduate from higher education at all.

The solution to these provocative statistics need intensive, deliberate attention; of the kind that not just educates a student, but reforms a generation.
To reinforce the theoretic position of Ezra Project, Inc., we interviewed  three middle school teachers, soliciting their personal perspective to the question: How can we help?
Check out the three links: Video 1, Video 2, Video 3

 Your comments are helpful and welcome.  Won't you partner with us?

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